Peace Links

Peace in all languages

The words for peace in many languages; send them more.

Resources for Peace

Here you will find links to the Desktop Resources Bookstore, our recommended book, and information on how to order our publications on peace and alternatives to violence.

The Non-Violence Web

Provides free web space for organizations working for social change, includes War Resisters League and Veterans for Peace.

World Commission for Peace and Human Rights Council

World Commission for peace & human Rights Council is an International organization working for the stability of nations respect for humanity and fostering of peace around the world. Our peace Initiatives has always been lauded by many govts.

Anti-Racist Action

ARA has always maintained a highly active educational component in their work. They recognize that if racism is caused and perpetuated by ignorance, then exposing people to the truth is one of the most important things they can do. ARA sends speakers to schools, community groups, and conferences to speak about racism to people of all ages and walks of life. Also, ARA publishes informative pamphlets and up-to-date periodicals for distribution.

Anti-Racist T-shirt Art Contest

They invite artists from around the world to submit pro-diversity/anti-racist graphics (pen & ink/black marker) images to be displayed on our website.

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